Summer Family Session

Elizabeth LeFevre


This summer I had the pleasure of capturing several family sessions, one of which was my best friend's family!

When the day of her session came the weather looked pretty awful. We both agreed we would wait until our session start time to call it. About an 30 minutes before I decided to drive up to our location and just check it out. Even if the rain had stopped would we be able to even walk in the field without sinking in mud?

I drove through the pouring rain and was totally sure we would have to reschedule but I pulled into my parking spot only to realize our location never received any rain! Isn't that always the case for crazy Northwest Arkansas weather?! I was absolutely shocked and yet so thankful! I called her up and said LET'S GO! Her gallery turned out perfect and I know they will be images she cherishes for years.

As photographers we hate having to reschedule sessions and I know for my clients it's the last thing they want to do after planning and prepping for weeks but this was an important reminder even to me to just trust in the process and go with my gut.

Hope you all love these images as much as I do!

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